Monday, March 2, 2015


tired of the hurt
and of the condescension and the false understanding.
tired of the seeking
and of the nothing being found.

I'm just waiting for the bloom
and the blossoms on my trees and the aspens turning to death to green again.

tired of hating "I choose to stay"
because sophomore year when alone in the cold I chose to stay because AN called me home.
because junior year I chose to stay because LH urged me to drop
because senior year I chose to stay as AT put the cap on the bottle.

because some of us have been there.
and it means a whole hell of a lot to hear the words over and over and over and over

I Choose to Stay.

and you can be sure that it means a lot to my momma.
and you can be positive that my dad loves four words more than any.

so bag on a campaign that pleads with the broken hearted,
because y'all weren't there when we needed to hear the words the most.

and don't sign the pledge
because you wrote us off already.

not looking for sympathy.
just common decency.


  1. "Tired of hating "I choose to stay""

    That was me.
    That part was great because I related so well.

    As always vocab is off the charts, dictionary in hand.

  2. " tired of hating "I choose to stay" "

