Thursday, November 21, 2013


Before I was strong, I was superman. 

But now, now that I've learned that superman has to have black hair, I've given up. 
And superman, doesn't he have to be tall?
Plus, isn't he invincible?

I still have the cape.

But I'm here now. 
And I have brown hair. 
And I am 5 feet 8 inches.
And actually, I'm broken.

If I put the cape around my neck, I'm afraid that the velcro wouldn't meet, and the fabric would flutter to the ground. 

I had to grow up way to fast.
I had to wake up to a world that wasn't fit for supermen anymore.

So take me back. 
Because before I was strong, I was superman. 
And before I could fly, I would run as fast as my small legs could carry me. 
And before I could fight, I would just smile. 
And before I could feel my heart ripped from my chest as the ones I loved fell from all around me, 

I was learning how to say mom. 


  1. "And actually, I'm broken." That line killed me. And this was perfect, as always. You always no how to make me speechless. I could read and re-read your posts all day and all night long. You are just so amazing. Mmm...soo good.

  2. you remind me of dick tidrow


  3. dude this was SO solid.

    "i still have the cape."

    loved it.

  4. "I had to grow up way to fast.
    I had to wake up to a world that wasn't fit for supermen anymore."

    This part caught me off guard. In a good way.

    I had to stop because the words were echoing in my head because they sang truth to me.

    Really glad you found me so I found you.

  5. This might be one of my favorite posts of yours. It was simply stated. It didn't need fancy words or anything to get your point across.The symbolism was so pure.
